Stream Management

locally led program driven by sound science

Catherine Skalda, DCSWCD Riparian Buffer Specialist & CSBI Program Coordinator shows a group how to correctly plant a tree. Landscape is a field bordered by forest.
Image of construction and survey of East Brook Stream 20210809-H002 by three individuals standing next to stream reviewing paperwork. Excavator in background with operator inside. Landscape is stream in valley surrounded by active worksite and green forested hills.
Image description: DCSWCD's Stream Program Coordinator Graydon Dutcher presents to gathering of local and state officials and organizations about West Branch of the Delaware River project. Group is standing in green field adjacent to river with forested mountains in background.


What is the Stream Management Program

The Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District’s Stream Management Program is dedicated to restoring and stabilizing streams and reducing nonpoint source pollution to ensure quality drinking water, and providing education and outreach on all phases of stream management and stewardship to help stakeholders make informed science-based management decisions.

Walton Village's West Brook stream well bank stabilization project during construction. Image shows water being diverted from stream work area during project.
0 +

Years of Program


Projects Completed

$ 0 M+

Total Project Funds


Current Project Spotlight

Village of Walton Well Bank Stabilization Completed September 2022

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We love Delaware County, our beautiful rural home.

We make sure Delaware County’s future generations – our future generations – are protected from threats such as invasive species and flooding every day through sound science-based decision making and valuable programs.

Summer 2025
